B'nai B'rith is an international NGO, accredited to the UN, represented at UNESCO and at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, bringing together Jews of any origin to serve the communities in which they live, in accordance to thair fundamental moto and values of B'nai B’rith: Charity, Brotherly love, Harmony. With its international headquarters in Washington, its European office in Brussels, several tens of thousands of members in more than fifty countries organized in form of loges, B'nai B'rith is one of the largest and oldest Jewish organisation in the world – it was established in 1843 in New York. The mission of B'nai B'rith is to bring the Jews to work together and improve the harmony between the communities, to reinforce the Jewish community, to fight racial and religious intolerance, to promote the Jewish culture and history and to carry out solidarity actions.
The lodge in Zagreb was first founded in 1926. It stoped with its activities in 1940. The new lodge was established in 1996 thanks to the activity of dr. Dragan Stern who became its president and stayed in this position until his death. The lodge got its name from a remakable Zagreb rabbi Gavro Schwartz.
Our objectives are to encourage friendship and inter-communal dialogue through social and cultural programs, to initiate and develop community projects, to strengthen the links of B'nai B'rith in the region and across Europe.
Currently, the leadership of the lodge consists of: messrs Ninoslav Perovic, president and Miljenko Bernfest vice-president and Mrs. Mira Altarac secretary.